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Thursday, September 19, 2024

2023: The world awaits for the «black swans»

The destruction of old traditions and the foundations of the old world always occurs with the release of a large amount of energy, which is transformed into wars, coups, conflicts, crises, and other cataclysms. Recently, FBI Director Christopher Wray said: “These are unique times. “I have never in my career seen a situation where all or very many threats increased simultaneously.” Several generations of politicians in the West have become accustomed to life

in relatively comfortable, conflict-free conditions, in a demoliberal world with an even career and a calm old age, with the understanding that the biggest disaster in their lives could be another economic crisis, and the nuclear threat is something from the category of “fairy tales for the uninitiated.” The world of procedures and institutions, speculation and hypocrisy, obviously impossible agreements, futures, indices, Bilderberg clubs, Davos, vanity fairs, and idle talk about “the open society and its enemies” collapsed. Just as the world of Art Nouveau pretentiousness collapsed in 1914, forcing one to change tailcoats to a gray military uniform, and as the world collapsed in 1939, dividing the world into “before” and “after,” rewiring the brains and killing humanity the cult of a strong personality and the cult of will.

In 2023, several significant trends emerged that will dominate over the coming years and develop in subsequent years.

In this report, Ascolta analysts identify the main trends for 2023, which may directly impact further developments in the world.

The destruction of old traditions and the foundations of the old world always occurs with the release of a large amount of energy, which is transformed into wars, coups, conflicts, crises, and other cataclysms. Recently, FBI Director Christopher Wray said: “These are unique times. “I have never in my career seen a situation where all or very many threats increased simultaneously.” Several generations of politicians in the West have become accustomed to life

in relatively comfortable, conflict-free conditions, in a demoliberal world with an even career and a calm old age, with the understanding that the biggest disaster in their lives could be another economic crisis, and the nuclear threat is something from the category of “fairy tales for the uninitiated.” The world of procedures and institutions, speculation and hypocrisy, obviously impossible agreements, futures, indices, Bilderberg clubs, Davos, vanity fairs, and idle talk about “the open society and its enemies” collapsed. Just as the world of Art Nouveau pretentiousness collapsed in 1914, forcing one to change tailcoats to a gray military uniform, and as the world collapsed in 1939, dividing the world into “before” and “after,” rewiring the brains and killing humanity the cult of a strong personality and the cult of will.

In 2023, several significant trends emerged that will dominate over the coming years and develop in subsequent years.

In this report, Ascolta analysts identify the main trends for 2023, which may directly impact further developments in the world.

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